Aptitude assessments support decision making during recruitment processes or organisational changes, such as internal recruitments or reorganisations. An assessment never replaces work demonstrations or personally getting to know the applicant, but gives the applicant a chance to show their skills and characteristics.
Aptitude assessments give objective information about a person’s strength, abilities, and potential in relation to the job at hand. Aptitude assessments enhance the impression a person has given of their decision-making skills, working methods or ambitions, among other things, in interviews or through their work. Applicants’ self-knowledge vary and aptitude assessments are therefore also helpful for the applicants themselves.
Job assessments are always done by trained and certified consultants and the results are confidential. The results must be professionally interpreted and for this Agentor offers support to recruiting managers. The results are always discussed with the assessed applicant. The goal of job assessments is to find the person, whose characteristics best correspond to demands of the job in question.
A job assessment supports the recruitment decision by ensuring that an applicant is suitable for the job at hand.